Home Health Healthy Tips For Ideal Ramadan With Do’s And Don’ts

Healthy Tips For Ideal Ramadan With Do’s And Don’ts

Healthy tips during Ramadan.

by Ashok Raina
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Crowd od people gathered during Ramadan to offer prayer.

 Ramadan is a month in which Muslims all over the world fast from dusk to dawn for a complete month. As a result sleeping, eating, physical, and mental patterns undergo a massive change in the lives of the people who are at fast. Metabolic activities also show a drastic change as the timing of consuming food is changed.

The traditional way of consuming food during this month is called Suhoor ( the meal period before sunrise ), and Iftar ( the meal period after sunset ). This means that only two times a meal is allowed. The proper way of fasting with do’s and don’ts has been elaborated on in this article. Read the complete article to enjoy healthy fasting.

Useful Tips During Ramadan

1. Eat Nutritional Food

To cope up with your energy needs you should eat food rich in carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. It doesn’t mean that you should eat everything that comes your way at once during suhoor or iftar. Try to eat in such a way that your energy needs are fulfilled without adding to your weight.

2. Keep Yourself Hydrated

Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated. Adults need 3-4 liters of water every day. 40% of the water needs are fulfilled from fruit juices, tea, food, and other edible items. This means that your body still requires 1.5-2.0 liters of water and the time to drink this quantity of water is limited. So, you should drink at least 2 glasses of water before suhoor and 2-3 glasses of water after iftar.


3. Avoid Dehydrating Activities

During Ramadan, you should avoid activities that dehydrate your body. If you work in hot weather or are involved in intense physical activities, use supplements to fulfill your energy needs. Use a balanced and healthy diet to keep your body active.

People who exercise regularly can reduce their exercise to 50% during Ramadan and increase the intake of a balanced diet during the time they are not fasting.

4. Cosume Easily Digestible Food

After 12-14 hours of a long fast people tend to eat food quickly and in large quantities. This pattern of taking food should be avoided as it may overload your metabolic activities. Always try to break your fast with fruit juice, soup, or an easily digestible food. After the light supper, you can take the main course after giving a gap of 10-15 minutes.

5. Chew Your Food Properly

Boiled or grilled meat, vegetables, and fruits are good options to eat after iftar. Don’t forget to chew the food properly to get it easily digested. Don’t eat in a hurry as it may prove unhealthy for your digestive system.


1. Eat Fresh Food

Before sunrise, you can eat fresh dairy products, fresh vegetables cooked in olive oil, and nutritious fruits to keep your body energetic throughout the day. You can also enjoy vegetarian or non-vegetarian soups. Prefer to eat whole wheat bread or bulger wheat which is rich in carbohydrates and is easily digestible also. It contains fibers that are good for your excretory system.

2. Use Food Supplements

Dried fruits like dates, groundnuts, walnuts, and almonds are nutritional natural supplements that should be consumed during these pious days. A wise selection of what to eat and how much to eat is very important these days.

3. Understand Your Nutritional Needs

Eat according to your nutritional needs as it differs from person to person. A person involved in physical activities needs more nutrition than a person doing sitting work. Try to eat healthy and balanced food according to the requirement of your body.


1. Minimize The Use Of Snacks

Avoid using snacks, if not possible, minimize the use after iftar to suppress your appetite. After iftar, most people prefer to take snacks and go to bed to sleep which is not good for their health. Try to go out for a walk before going to bed. Snacks are mostly fried and or rich in fats. Digesting these fats becomes complex work for the body. So, it’s better to avoid them and go for a healthy walk.

2. Don’t Skip Suhoor

Skipping suhoor and staying hungry till the next iftar can make you sick. So, don’t skip suhoor as it plays an important role in keeping you active throughout the day. Skipping suhoor may cause low blood sugar and low blood pressure levels in many of you.

3. Don’t Skip Any Meal

Suhoor and iftar both are important meals of Ramadan. Don’t skip any of them as skipping any one of them may make you dizzy and distracted during the day.

What Foods Should Be Avoided During Ramadan?

Avoid fatty and fried foods.

Don’t consume items containing a large amount of salt and sugar in them.

Don’t use products that contain caffeine in them.

What Are 5 Ramadan Rules?

1. Don’t eat or drink in public.

2. Don’t engage in aggressive behavior.

3. Don’t play loud music in public.

4. Wear clean and proper clothes.

5. Don’t refuse a gift or invitation to join iftar.

What Are The 10 Things To Know About Ramadan?

1. It is a month of giving.

2. Fasting is done during daylight.

3. Two main meals are eaten during it.

4. The first thing eaten at iftar is traditionally Dates.

5. Fasting is a must.

6. It is a month of fasting but the truth is that most people gain weight because of changes in metabolic activities.

7. Check local laws if you are traveling during this month.

8. Iftar rules vary from country to country.

9. Hunger-busting drinks are commonly used during the month.

10. Eid marks the end of Ramadan.

Can We Kiss Our Prtener During This Month?

Sex is allowed during the month but not during fasting hours. After sunset, you can perform it. You can kiss or hug your partner. A mouth-to-mouth kiss is not allowed after sunrise and before sunset.

What Type Of Food Is Best Or Ramadan Friendly?

Food rich in carbs and fiber is the best food you can have. Dried fruits are the best examples of such food. Whole wheat bread and pasta, bulgur wheat can also be consumed as they are rich in carbs and fibers.

What Are The Benefits Of Ramadan Fasting?

1. Lowers inflammation.

2. Reduces cancer risk.

3. Improves body composition.

4. Increases the functioning of the brain.

5. Reduces hypertension.

Hope you will enjoy reading this article. Stay connected to read the next article. Till then Bye! God bless you.

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